Terms of Use for the HHU Mediathek

The Center for Information and Media Technology (hereinafter referred to as ZIM) maintains a technical platform for the provision of media (hereinafter referred to as HHU Mediathek) for the institutions of Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf (hereinafter referred to as HHU).

The IT usage regulations of HHU apply for this platform.

The use of the HHU Mediathek is voluntary for HHU employees.

The service offered for providing content may only be used for official purposes. Only media created on official business may be made available in the HHU Media Library. Private use is prohibited.

The lecturers are responsible for the media (for definition see §2 para. 3 Regulations for digital teaching and study offerings). Please contact these persons if you have any questions about this subject-related content.

By uploading, the author(s) grants Heinrich Heine University (HHU) simple rights of use to the media in order to process and make it available on the HHU Mediathek until revoked.

The HHU Mediathek serves to support teaching and research at HHU. The content of the media does not reflect official views of the university. There is no prior control. If you find individual contributions to be illegal, harassing or inappropriate, we ask that you notify us accordingly (via the reporting interface or by e-mail to mediathek@hhu.de) so that we can take immediate action.

When HHU employees publish media in the HHU Media Library, the following points, among others, must be observed:

  • No copyrighted works of third parties (music, graphics, film clips, etc.) may be used.
  • No persons may be shown without their consent.

Please take into account the HHU legal department's instructions (only accessible from the intranet) regarding copyright.

In the event of repeated or serious violations of the platform's terms of use or of German criminal law, the user may have his/her authorizations revoked or access temporarily or permanently blocked.

The editors and administrators of the HHU Media Library appointed by HHU and ZIM have the right to remove, edit, move or block media and content without giving reasons.

There is no claim that media and content can be accessed at all times; temporary failures of the system cannot be excluded.

These terms of use are valid until 15.02.2024.